+91 9910305345 House No 239 ,Sec- 37 Noida aman@healingtouchesindia.com



What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

The earlier you seek treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), the better. Early treatment of OCD can reduce symptoms and reduce the disruption the illness can create in your life. Unfortunately, most people see several health professionals and spend years seeking treatment for OCD before they are correctly diagnosed. Their diagnoses are complicated by their being embarrassed or secretive about their symptoms and by other conditions they may have along with OCD, such as depression.

Cognitive Drill Therapy is a form of verbal exposure treatment specifically developed for treatment of phobia and OCD. In Cognitive Drill Therapy, phobia and OCD are analyzed into four components called as OBSD analysis. O means objects of phobia and OCD such as closed places, height, animals, speaking on stage, dirty things etc. B means BMR i.e Body Mind Reactions such as rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, sweating, restlessness, feeling upset, fearful, mind going blank etc. elicited by an exposure to objects of phobia and OCD. S means safety behaviors in the form of avoidance and repetitive acts such as exiting closed places, not taking up stage assignment, repeated cleaning, washing checking etc. D means danger ideation triggered by exposure to objects of phobia such as danger of suffocation and death in closed places, threat of being judged and ridiculed for stage performance, falling from height, catching germs from dirty objects etc.

When exposed to objects of phobia and OCD, danger ideation get triggered in the affected individuals who then experience BMR which leads to avoidance and compulsive acts to safeguard oneself against imagined feared consequences. Safety behaviors do not resolve phobia and OCD, instead promote their perpetuation. Exposure is the treatment.

According to Cognitive Drill Therapy perspective, primary problem is the wrong connection between objects and the danger ideation. A disconnection of danger ideation from objects of phobia and OCD would resolve the problem effectively. After treatment, the objects of phobia and OCD would continue to exist but they will not trigger danger ideation as a result there will be no BMR and the need for safety behavior will not arise.

In Cognitive Drill Therapy, a particular attention is paid to the nature of danger ideation. All danger ideation, also called imagined feared consequences point to a future time reference. Fear is future. Consider following danger ideation and appreciate future time reference. There may be suffocation. People may judge me. I may be ridiculed. I may get infected by germs.

Drill statements are formulated in Cognitive Drill Therapy by changing the time reference of danger ideation from future to the past or the present. For example, I am getting suffocated. I am being judged. I am being ridiculed. I am being infected by germs. The affected individuals are asked to imagine objects of fear and verbalize drill statement applicable to their problems. The verbalizations in this manner, trigger BMR which is monitored every 30 seconds. The continued drill produce a typical anxiety curve in which BMR shoots up from low to medium to high and then begin to resolve rapidly from high to medium to low.


After serving the Indian Army for 21 years Aman entered the corporate world for a new beginning. Having experienced all facets of the corporate be it manufacturing, it/ites, running own venture et all. and the people associated with it. There was a realization regarding how cut off is today's human from the real world. To understand the human psychic and the human brain he did MA in Psychology, became a certified coach and a master trainer and facilitator.He realised that the mind was all powerful and hence did Past Life Regression Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki and Prana Healing.



+91 9910305345+91 8383060902
House No 239 ,Sec- 37 Noida

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